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Gloucester City Council's adoption of CIL means all three JCS authorities will commence charging on the 1st January 2019

Home > News > Gloucester City Council's adoption of CIL

Report under Section 213 (3B) Planning Act 2008

The Gloucester City Council Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule was examined by Ms Elizabeth Ord alongside the Draft Charging Schedules of the JCS Partner Authorities of Cheltenham Borough Council and Tewkesbury Borough Council.

 The Examiner’s report and recommendations were received by the Councils on 31st July 2018.

 The report concludes that the Draft Charging Schedule passes all of the statutory tests and recommends approval subject to certain modifications, set out in Appendix A to her report, related to:

  1.  Adding another category of residential development, namely 450 dwellings and over; charged at £35 per square metre in Cheltenham and Tewkesbury and nil rated in Gloucester;

  2. Restricting the 11 plus dwelling category to between 11 and 449 dwellings;

  3. Reducing the out of centre retail rate from £100 per square metre to nil pending the outcome of the JCS review of retail and the gathering of further evidence; and

  4. Adding West Cheltenham to the Tewkesbury charging schedule.

 The Council has amended the charging schedule for Gloucester as required.

 The CIL Charging Schedule was formally approved by the Council with the required modifications on 25th October 2018.

 No other modifications were required by the Examiner.

 Two supporting policies relating to ‘Payment by Instalments’ and ‘Requests for Review and Appeals’ were also adopted alongside the CIL Charging Schedule on 25th October 2018 and the Regulation 123 list was approved for publication.

 A commencement date has been set for 1st January 2019.