Joint Core Strategy update - January 2017 — Joint Core Strategy

Joint Core Strategy update - January 2017

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At a Council meeting on 31 January, members approved, for public consultation, the proposed main modifications of the Joint Core Strategy.

Tewkesbury Borough Council's chief executive and senior responsible officer for the Joint Core Strategy, Mike Dawson, said:

“Members had previously expressed concerns about including the proposed land at Twigworth. However, after considering the latest evidence available on flooding, highways and land availability, the decision was made to support the inclusion of the site for 995 houses.

Members also agreed to remove land at MoD Ashchurch as a strategic site following an announcement by the Defence Infrastructure Organisation in October 2016 that there will be continued requirement for a significant portion of the land for at least 10 years.

Now that we have approved the modified plan, it will go before councillors at Cheltenham Borough and Gloucester City councils for approval. If the go ahead is given by both councils, it is intended that the modified Joint Core Strategy will go out for consultation at the end of February/early March so that members of the public can have their say.”