Examination documents 1-20
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Please note: This page is no longer being updated and is for information only. It relates to the now adopted Joint Core Strategy.
27/02/2015 - EXAM 1 - JCS letter to Inspector confirming modification recommendations (pdf, 198 KB)
19/03/2015 - EXAM 2 - Inspector Request for further information (pdf, 49 KB)
10/04/2015 - EXAM 2A - JCS Responses to inspectors queries raised in EXAM 2 (pdf, 54 KB)
10/04/2015 - EXAM 2B - Authority monitoring report - CBC, December 2014 (pdf, 502 KB)
10/04/2015 - EXAM 2C - Employment land monitoring, May 2014 (pdf, 240 KB)
10/04/2015 - EXAM 2D - Monitoring report - Tewkesbury Borough Council, 2013-14 (pdf, 1.5 MB)
10/04/2015 - EXAM 2E - List of amendments to maps from pre-sub June 2014 to submission November 2014 (pdf, 156 KB)
24/04/2015 - EXAM 3 - Environmental Agency position statement (pdf, 455 KB)
24/04/2015 - EXAM 4A - Population projection information for Cheltenham (xls, 754 KB)
24/04/2015 - EXAM 4B - Population projection information for Gloucester (xls, 758 KB)
24/04/2015 - EXAM 4C - Population projection information for Tewkesbury (xls, 726 KB)
24/04/2015 - EXAM 5 - Gloucestershire housing trend analysis population and household projections, May 2011 (pdf, 2 MB)
24/04/2015 - EXAM 6A - Save the Countryside representations to earlier JCS stages (pdf, 3 MB)
29/04/2015 - EXAM 6B - StC representations to National Planning Policy framework consultations (pdf, 1.1 MB)
29/04/2015 - EXAM 6C - StC representations to regional spatial strategy for the South West (pdf, 408 KB)
29/04/2015 - EXAM 6D - Save the Countryside e-petition to prevent urban sprawl (pdf, 1.2 MB)
30/04/2015 - EXAM 7 - Gloucester City strategic assessment of land availability, January 2015 (pdf, 5.6 MB)
30/04/2015 - EXAM 8 - Housing trend analysis, May 2011 (pdf, 1.7 MB)
30/04/2015 - EXAM 9 - Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury workspace assessment, October 2013 (pdf, 687 KB)
30/04/2015 - EXAM 10 - Employment needs in Gloucestershire Local Enterprise Partnership, March 2014 (pdf, 834 KB)
30/04/2015 - EXAM 11 - Gloucester City housing monitoring report, 2014 (pdf, 288 KB)
30/04/2015 - EXAM 12 - Gloucester City employment land monitoring report, 2012 (pdf, 729 KB)
30/04/2015 - EXAM 13 - Gloucester City employment land monitoring report, 2014 (pdf, 248 KB)
30/04/2015 - EXAM 14 - Plan making in Gloucester, 2004-15 (pdf, 268 KB)
30/04/2015 - EXAM 15 - City plan part 2 - consultation document, May 2013 (pdf, 8 MB)
30/04/2015 - EXAM 17 - Local green space study report (pdf, 1.5 MB)
EXAM 18 - Local green space toolkits - CBC
01/05/2015 - EXAM 18A - Leckhampton fields (pdf, 9 MB)
01/05/2015 - EXAM 18B - Leckhampton with Warden Hill D1 - Leckhampton fields green belt review (pdf, 5.3 MB)
01/05/2015 - EXAM 18C - Land at Farm Lane/Church Road, Leckhampton (pdf, 6.2 MB)
01/05/2015 - EXAM 18D - Leckhampton fields green belt review (pdf, 9.1 MB)
01/05/2015 - EXAM 19 - Cheltenham economic strategy – final report (pdf, 953 KB)
01/05/2015 - EXAM 20 - CBC economic strategy appendix A - economic assessment (pdf, 2.7 MB)