Employment strategy — Joint Core Strategy

Employment strategy

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Please note: This page is no longer being updated and is for information only. It relates to the now adopted Joint Core Strategy.

Employment land review

As part of the evidence base for the Joint Core Strategy, an Employment Land Review covering the local authority areas of Gloucester City and Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Boroughs has been commissioned.

The review updates the findings of the three Councils' existing employment land information and provides detailed evidence on the need for employment land across the area to 2026. The review also makes recommendations about the location of future employment land and the type of employment that the area should seek to attract and accommodate.

The full document is available to download below.

Review of business parks

Accompanying the Employment Land Review (above) is a business park review for Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury. This assesses their fitness for purpose, and their role within the future of Gloucestershire’s economy.

The full document and appendices are available to download below. Please note that both the appendices are large files and may take some time to download, please contact the JCS Team if you need assistance.

If you have any questions please contact the JCS Team.