Green infrastructure study

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Please note: This page is no longer being updated and is for information only. It relates to the now adopted Joint Core Strategy.

Green Infrastructure has been defined as ‘Strategic networks of accessible, multifunctional sites (including parks, woodland, informal open spaces, nature reserves and historic sites) as well as linkages (such as river corridors and floodplain, wildlife corridors and greenways).

These contribute to peoples well being, and together comprise a coherent managed resource to evolving conditions’ (taken from the SW RSS). In the JCS Green Infrastructure (GI) is being taken forward on 2 levels.

At the Strategic level we are working with the County through the SIDP process and are looking to identify large scale GI assets that can be plugged into existing and new development. At a local level the JCS has commissioned work to identify the quality of within urban area GI, and how this connects with the strategic asset.

To support this work and other work streams we have also commissioned an extended phase 1 habitat survey of large areas of the JCS area.

If you have any questions please contact the JCS team.